Timothy Compeau

I am an assistant professor of history at Huron University College in London, Ontario, Canada. I research the British Empire in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries with a current focus on honour culture and loyalism in the Age of Revolutions. My book Dishonored Americans: The Political Death of Loyalists in Revolutionary America will be published Fall 2023 by the University of Virginia Press. I am the project director of Loyalist Migrations in partnership with the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada.

I am fascinated by public perceptions and uses of the past and I teach several courses on public history and memory. I was the co-editor of Seeing the Past with Computers: Experiments with Augmented Reality and Computer Vision for History (University of Michigan Press, 2019).

I can be reached at tcompeau@gmail.com and you can follow me on Twitter @TimCompeau.